Information on "Hikari Denwa Next" (IP phone service)

The following is an important notice regarding the terms and conditions of the contract. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before applying.

■Service Provider and Contact Information

Service Provider
(Telecommunications Carrier)

【Contacts for Orders and Inquiries】

0120-116116 0120-116116

Business Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Closed Saturday, Sunday, New Year's Holidays [Dec.29 to Jan.3].
  • Please check the telephone number and make sure you are calling the correct number.

■Basic Service Explanation

Service Hikari Denwa Next
Service Type IP phone service
Restrictions on
Emergency Calls
Hikari Denwa cannot be used during power outages.
Please use your mobile phone or a nearby public phone.
Contact Details
for Cancellation/
Contract Changes

0120-116116 0120-116116

Business Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Closed Saturday, Sunday, New Year's Holidays [Dec.29 to Jan.3].
  • Please check the telephone number and make sure you are calling the correct number.
Other Restrictions on Use
  • Internet cannot be used with Hikari Denwa Next.
  • Some calls cannot be connected, such as calls dialed with a telecommunications carrier identification code (e.g. 0039) in front of the phone number.
  • The Hikari Denwa Next can be used by connecting a telephone, etc. to a Hikari Denwa-compatible device terminal. However, the following devices are not compatible:
    • ISDN-compatible telephones (i・Torenbi, etc.), G4FAX, communication devices with a report function (Silver Phone series "Anshin", etc.)
      G4FAX can be used by setting the mode to G3, but it may not work with some devices.
    • Some models are compatible with the Hikari Denwa Next, however, the service cannot be used during power outages.
    Some of the telephone functions may become unavailable. Please consult with your phone manufacturer in advance if you have specific functions you wish to retain.
  • G3FAX and modem communication services can be used, however the transmission quality may be impacted by the communication environment and other conditions. If the party you wish to contact is using an ISDN line, you may be unable to send faxes to the other party depending on the other party's settings.
  • Hikari Denwa Next is not applicable to the call service contracts with telephone service providers. Therefore, if the user transfers their phone number from their Analog telephone (phone service) etc., and suspends Analog telephone service, call service contracts with telephone service providers will be cancelled.
  • If a user who is using the FLET'S・TV transmission service in conjunction with Hikari Denwa Next terminates their Hikari Denwa Next contract, any services and discounts provided by NTT West associated with the Hikari Denwa Next contract shall be terminated, and the FLET'S・TV transmission service shall be discontinued. In addition to the FLET'S・TV transmission service the TV broadcasting service provided by SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation shall also be terminated at the same time.
  • In the case that the user does not fulfill their contractual obligations, such as failure to pay usage fees while using the Hikari Denwa Next, the contract may be cancelled immediately without a temporary suspension period.
  • Please note that if the user suspends their NTT West Analog telephone etc. and begins to use the Hikari Denwa Next, any services (including additional services and discounts) pertaining to the suspended Analog telephone contract provided by NTT West shall, in principle, be cancelled.
  • If you use any of the following services, please contact the service provider with which you have a contract.

【When Using Services for Automated Reporting of Gas Leaks, Remote MeterReading, etc.】
  • Procedures vary depending on the service provider (gas company, etc.).
    Make sure to notify your service provider of your intention to change to Hikari Denwa Next.
    If subscribe to Number Display (monthly usage fee: 440 yen), you may be able to use services including automated reporting of gas leaks, remote meter reading, etc. with Hikari Denwa Next. Please ask your service provider for details.

【When Using Security Services】
  • Procedures vary depending on the service providers (security company, etc.). Make sure to notify your service provider of your intention to change to Hikari Denwa Next.

【When Using Toll-Free Telephone Number Services】
  • Hikari Denwa Next may not be specified as a contractable line by toll-free telephone number service providers. Be sure to notify your service provider of your intention to change to Hikari Denwa Next (you may be required to cancel your contract with your current service providers).
  • If the user begins using the Hikari Denwa Next phone number or the additional service "Additional Number" phone number without transferring from an NTT West subscriber telephone etc., those phone numbers become Hikari Denwa dedicated numbers. Users cannot continue using the Hikari Denwa dedicated number by transferring it to an NTT West subscriber telephone etc., but it can be used with Hikari Denwa (including Office Type and Office A), Hikari Denwa Next, Optical Line Phones, Wireless Landline Phones (all IP phone services)etc.
    • Including some Collaboration Hikari.
    • Telephone Number Transfer refers to the customers using the telephone numbers including Hikari Denwa dedicated numbers and landline numbers obtained through contracts with other landline phone service providers (excluding phone numbers where technical challenges would arise or which may affect the user) to continue using the same numbers. The phone number where technical challenges would arise or which may affect the user are the cases where the area code used in the zone NTT West provides IP phone service is different from the area code that applies to the zone for the concerning number, or where it is difficult to accommodate the area code that applies to the zone for the concerning number in our facility.
      Please see below for the list of applicable addresses.
      [ ]
  • Please note the following points when cancelling the previous service and changing to a new service.
    • Any currently subscribed optional services will also be cancelled. Please reapply for the relevant optional services when you change to a new service, such as Hikari Denwa Next.
    • If the user wishes to continue using rental equipment after changing services, we may provide the user with new equipment in their factory-shipped condition.
  • Please keep in mind the following points that may apply depending on the details of your plan change application.
    • 【Changing Plans from FLET’S Hikari Cross (FTTH Access Service) to Hikari Denwa Next, or from Hikari Denwa Next to FLET’S Hikari Cross】
      Due to necessary installation for changing plans, our services will be unavailable during the following time period.
      • For Dispatch Installation: From around 5:00 am on the day of the installation work until the completion of the work.
      • For Non-Dispatch Installation: From 5:00 am -7:30 am on the day of installation work and until the user replaces the ONU, etc.
      • 【Changing Plans from FLET’S Hikari Next or FLET’S Hikari Light (both FTTH Access Services) to Hikari Denwa Next, or from Hikari Denwa Next to FLET’S Hikari Next】
        Between the hours of 5:00 am and 7:00 am, internet service may be unavailable for about 15-30 minutes and Hikari Denwa service may be unavailable for several seconds due to necessary installation for changing plans.
        • Excluding disruptions in communication due to changes in home equipment related to plan change.
        • In the case that installation cannot be completed due to user's absence on the day of installation or equipment failure, etc., the service will promptly be switched back to the previous service. However, please note that the service will not be available for approximately 2 hours. (The exact time may vary depending on the situation.)
        • If the user cancels their application or changes the installation date on the day before or two days before the originally scheduled installation date, we may not be able to complete the processing of the change within our company in time and services may become temporarily unavailable on the originally scheduled installation date.
Usage Fee
Initial Fee
  • Monthly Usage Fees/Initial Fees (Example)
Plan Basic Monthly Fee Initial Fee
Basic Installation Fee Switching equipment etc. Installation Fees Internal wiring installation fee Line terminal installation fee Cost to transfer the number
For Hikari (optical fiber) Line Side For Landline Side
Basic Plan ¥2,750 ¥8,250 ¥1,100 ¥1,100 ¥10,340 ¥2,310 ¥2,200(per phone number)
Hikari Denwa Next A
(Call charges included in the basic monthly fee:¥528)*1
Anshin Plan
(Call charges included in the basic monthly fee:¥1,408) *2
Motto Anshin Plan
(Call charges included in the basic monthly fee:¥5,280)*2
  • 【Monthly Usage Fee】
    1. Call charges included in the basic monthly fee are calculated at 8.8 yen/per 3 minutes for voice-only calls, and 16.5 yen/per 3 minutes for video calls (calls exceeding the call charges included in the basic monthly fee are calculated at the same rate). Call charges included in the basic monthly fee shall be applied from the 1st day of the month immediately following the usage start date. Fees other than call charges during the first month of use shall be calculated and billed on a pro rata basis of 3,322 yen.
      The basic monthly fee also includes the following additional services.
      Number Display, Number Request, Nuisance Call Blocking, Voice Warp, Call Waiting, Incoming Call Notification Mail
      Please note that Number Display and Number Request services are not covered by the Fee Waiver Policy for Elderly Users.
    2. Call charges included in the basic monthly fee are calculated at 8.8 yen/per 3 minutes for voice-only calls, and 16.5 yen/per 3 minutes for video calls. Calls exceeding the call charges included in the basic monthly fee shall be calculated at 7.92 yen/per 3 minutes for voice-only calls and 14.85 yen/per 3 minutes for video calls. Call charges included in the basic monthly fee shall be applied from the 1st day of the month immediately following the usage start date.
    • In addition to the basic monthly fee, a universal service fee of 2.2 yen/per month and a telephone relay service fee of 1.1 yen/per month shall be applied for each phone number (applies to additional [optional] numbers as well). (Current as of April 1, 2024).
  • 【Installation Fee】
    • Installation fees are typical examples and may vary depending on what is required when installing the service.
Please check NTT West FLET'S official website for information.
Hikari Denwa Next )<Japanese version only>

Waiving "Number Display" and "Number Request" Service Fees for the Elderly Users
Users who inform us that they are over 70 years old or living with someone who is over 70 years old and newly applied for the Number Display and Number Request services shall be exempted from the installation and monthly usage fee for these services. Current subscribers with same condition shall be exempted from the monthly usage fee.
  • It is not applicable to Hikari Denwa Next (for business) or Hikari Denwa Next A (Ace).
  • Applicants may be asked to submit documentation verifying the age of the subscriber/person living with the subscriber, and proof of living together. If you are subscribed to this service and no longer meet the conditions for exemption, please inform us.
  • Discounts on basic installation fees and switching equipment etc. Installation Fees are only applicable to Number Display or Number Request installation (including cases where Number Display and Number Request are installed at the same time).
Please check NTT West FLET'S official website for information. )<Japanese version only>
Call and Communication Charges
  • Call and Communication Charges
Type of Call/Communication Call Charges
Basic call*1 ¥8.8/per 3 minutes
Calls to mobile phones ¥17.6/per 60 seconds
Data Connect*2
Bandwidth ~64kbps ¥1.1/per 30 seconds
Bandwidth ~512kbps ¥1.65/per 30 seconds
Bandwidth ~1Mbps ¥2.2/per 30 seconds
Bandwidth ~2.6Mbps ¥16.5/per 3 minutes
Bandwidth over 2.6Mbps ¥110 /per 3 minutes
  • 【Call and Communication Charges】
    1. Calls to NTT West/ NTT East Japan Analog telephone lines, INS Net, Hikari Denwa and HIKARI collaboration service's Hikari Denwa (including Hikari Denwa Next; excluding video calls, Data Connect, and voice calls during Data Connect communication), Fiber Optic telephone, Fixed-wireless telephone, other companies' Analog telephone lines, and other companies' IP phones (excluding calls to 050 numbers)
    2. If the user only uses Data Connect, the communication service charges are not eligible to be paid by telephone card.
      If the user uses voice calls or video calls, etc. in conjunction with Data Connect, the user will be charged the video call rate for the total bandwidth used for the communication service.
      If there is a change in the type of communication service or bandwidth used during a call/communication service, the total call/communication service time will be calculated for each type of communication service and bandwidth used, and the applicable call charges shall be applied.
Please check NTT West FLET'S official website for information.
Phone Services Charges Hikari Denwa
(Installation Fee)
【Installation Fee Discount】≪Application Required≫
①Discount on Installation Fee for Switching Service (FLET'S Hikari Light) (Discount Service)

【Discount Details】

Users who are currently subscribed to FLET'S Hikari Light and apply for this discount at the same time as applying to switch to an eligible FLET'S Hikari Next service etc., can receive a discount on installation fees.

【Application Period】

Wednesday, February 1, 2023 - Monday, March 31, 2025

【Activation Deadline】

Monday, June 30, 2025
  • The application period and the deadline for activating the service may be extended.
Please check NTT West FLET'S official website for information.
Discount on Installation Fee for Switching Service (FLET'S Hikari Light) <Japanese version only>

②Discount on Installation Fee for Switching Service (FLET’S Hikari Next Mansion Type (VDSL/LAN Type)/Hikari Denwa Next (VDSL/LAN Type)) (Discount Service)

【Discount Details】

Customers who are currently subscribed to either FLET’S Hikari Next Mansion Type (VDSL/LAN Type) or Hikari Denwa Next (VDSL/LAN Type) that apply for an applicable service plan change such as to FLET’S Hikari Next Mansion Type (Fiber Optic Cable Type) will receive a discount on the installation fees for that plan change.

【Application Period】

From Wednesday, January 1, 2025

【Activation Deadline】

Within 1 year from the date of application
  • The activation deadline may be extended.
Please check NTT West FLET'S official website for information.
Discount on Installation Fee for Switching Service (FLET’S Hikari Next Mansion Type (VDSL/LAN Type)/Hikari Denwa Next (VDSL/LAN Type)) <Japanese version only>

③Discount on Installation Fee for Relocation(Discount Service)

【Discount Details】

You will receive a discount on the installation fee for "FLET'S Hikari" and "Hikari Denwa Next" at the new address.
  • Typical installation work (wiring and installation work up to the ONU) is eligible for the discount.
    Other installation fees may be required separately.

【Application Period】

Tuesday, October 1, 2024 ~ Monday, March 31, 2025

【Activation Deadline】

Monday, June 30, 2025
  • The application period and the deadline for activating the service may be extended.
Please check NTT West FLET'S official website for information.
Discount on Installation Fee for Relocation <Japanese version only>
About Our
Rental Equipment
  • Our Rental Equipment (Amount to be charged in the event of loss or damage)
    In the case that rental equipment is lost or damaged due to the negligence of the user, the user shall be charged the equivalent amount. If we are unable to confirm the return of rental equipment after a certain period of time following the cancellation of the contract, the user may be charged the equivalent amount for the rental equipment the user has used.
Applicable Services Applicable Equipment Equivalent Amount
(Tax Exempt)
Hikari Denwa Next Hikari Denwa-Compatible Equipment Basic Equipment ¥12,000
Welfare Telephones Silver Phone ¥58,800
Remote Call Buttons ¥6,800
  • The equivalent amount stated is the maximum amount. Actual charges will take depreciation into consideration. Additionally, the calculated amount may include the equivalent amount for optional items and accessories for the applicable item.
  • Applicable services, items, and equivalent amount for rental equipment may be updated at irregular intervals. Please confirm each time such event occurs.
  • Equipment not owned by our company will not be included in the charges. 
Contract Terms
and Conditions <Japanese version only>
  • All displayed amounts are tax-inclusive unless otherwise stated.
  • The contents detailed above are based on information as of March 1, 2025.